
Obedience Trial Chair

Appointed by the Board of Directors

The Obedience and Rally Trials are held for 3 days.


October - at the October membership meeting request from the membership suggestions for judges for obediencee and rally for 2 years ahead of the present year.

November - at the November membership meeting gain request the membership to suggest additional judges for obedience an rally 2 years ahead of the present.

January - using the membership suggestions or the AKC judge's directory to find judges for obedience 1 year n advance. When judges are identified send an email t o the judge requisition if they are available for the show dates and request their judging fee. Once judges are available for the show dates and request their judging fee. Once judges are accepted submit a contract stajuge's name, address and AKC license number, the agreed judging fee, what expenses the club will cover and a reimbursement form. Keep a copy for your records and send a copy of the signed copy to the Treasure.

Send letter to judgeo obtain their travel arrangements and to remind them to book their hotel.

Start submitting information to the AKC with judge's name and their judging assignment. Using the AKC online management system,) AKC will confirm this information and email the assignments.


Current Year



Other considerations